PixelSheet – a contact sheet application

PixelSheet is a contact sheet application – since I couldn’t find any tool which is able to create contact sheets without image scaling, I build one myself (Image scaling is pretty horrible when you are working with screen designs…).

For everyone wondering what a Contact Sheet is or where the strange name is coming from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_print

It’s pretty straight forward: Just open the desired images and let the magic happen ;-)

And – whoho – it’s free!!

Download it here:


Ok, the hard facts:

  1. Its an Adobe Air application, so you need the Air framework (http://get.adobe.com/air/)
  2. Load your desired images
  3. Do some layout adjustments if you like
  4. Change the fiel labels by clicking on them if desired
  5. Save it – it will generate a handy PNG file
Bugs, ideas -> mail(at)thomas-sulzbach.de